6. The program prompts to warn an existing configuration will be overwritten. Click Yes.
7. The new mic configuration overwrites the existing template and is ready for use.
Organize Building Blocks
The Tools menu contains a utility that allows the building blocks to be organized or
rearranged to suit an application. Individual blocks and folders can be moved or deleted
and new folders can be created.
The general categories of folders follow the main GUI of DSP Configurator and include the
main inputs, virtual return inputs and the line outputs.
The Organize Building Blocks option lets you organize listed building blocks. You can also
import and export the building blocks file so that you can use your set of building blocks
on other computers.
Organizing Listed Building Blocks
Building blocks can be organized within default
folders or within new folders. You can move individual
building blocks or a folder with all of its contents to a
new location.
To create a new folder in the Organize Building Blocks
dialog box:
Click the New Folder icon in the upper right corner.
The folder appears within the currently selected group
in the organizational tree.
To move a building block or a folder, click and drag
the desired item to the new location.
Folders can be expanded to view the associated
building blocks by clicking beside the folder name.
DMP128 • Software Control 110