Getting Started
Setting up N9061A on the X-Series Analyzer
Sweep Type Rules
Sweep Type Rules changes the Auto rules for determining whether the instrument uses FFT or Swept
mode (this can be manually overridden). FFT mode offers substantially faster measurements in some
cases. The HP8566A/B, 8568A/B series did not have FFT mode capability, so most accurate emulation
requires that the instrument preserves Swept mode unless you manually overrides that setting. The
8560-series analyzers use both FFT and Swept mode, in which case “Legacy” is equivalent to “Dynamic
RF Coupling
RF Coupling allows you to override the legacy instrument behavior for AC and DC coupling. This
command is required because legacy instruments had AC cutoff frequencies of 100 kHz and the X-series
analyzers have an AC cutoff frequency of 10 MHz.
As Legacy sets coupling to AC or DC whenever the legacy instrument would be set to AC or DC
coupled mode via power on, preset, or an explicit command. Due to changes in the coupling cutoff
frequency, measurement performance below 10 MHz while in AC-coupled mode may not match the
legacy analyzer performance.
Always AC sets AC coupling while in Language Compatibility Mode, overriding other instrument
settings including power on, preset, or an explicit command. This setting maximizes instrument
robustness, and is recommended for instruments that are not used to measure signals below 10 MHz.
Always DC sets DC coupling while in Language Compatibility Mode, overriding other instrument
settings including power on, preset, or explicit command. This will maximize instrument sensitivity to
signals below 10 MHz, and may be required for measurements between 100 KHz and 10 MHz. When in
this mode, extra care should be taken to ensure that DC voltage levels are within the allowable range for
the X-Series analzysers.
Limit Sweep Time
Allows you to constrain the sweep time to no less than the minimum sweep time of the legacy
instruments. If set to On, the sweep time will be constrained to no less than the value listed below. If set
to Off, no constraint is applied.
Table 1-6 Minimum Sweep Time for the Legacy Instruments
Instrument Sweep Time
(None Zero Span)
Sweep Time
(Zero Span)
HP8566A/B, HP8568A/B 20 ms 1 us
HP8560 series 50 ms 50 us