For details on the RPPR function, refer to “Playing
with the RPPR function” (
☞p.33). Here we will give an
example of how to make RPPR settings, and how to
playback and record.
RPPR settings
RPPR settings are made individually for each song. To
use RPPR playback, check the “RPPR” check box. If
this is checked, the RPPR function will be turned on,
and playing the keyboard will cause patterns to play-
back according to the RPPR settings. If the “RPPR”
check box is not checked, the song will play normally
even if RPPR settings have been made.
1 Make track settings just as when preparing to
record tracks.
Use steps 1–4 of “Preparations for recording”
☞p.64) to specify the program for the track.
2 In Sequencer mode P6: Pattern/RPPR, select the
RPPR Setup tab.
In this page, the RPPR function will automatically
be on.
3 Use “KEY” to select the key to which you wish to
assign a pattern.
You can also select a key by holding down the
[ENTER] key and playing a note. Check the
“Assign” check box. (You can make assignments for
keys C#2–C8. Keys C2 and below are used for stop-
ping the pattern playback, and cannot be assigned.)
4 Select the pattern that will playback when you
press the key selected in step 3.
Use “Pattern” to select the pattern type (either Pre-
set or User), and use “Pattern Select” to select the
pattern. A user pattern selected here must have
already been recorded or copied in the Pattern Edit
5 Select the track that will play this pattern.
The pattern will play according to the program and
other settings of the track you select here.
If you wish to play a drum pattern, choose a track
for which a drum program is selected. If you wish to
play a bass pattern, select a track for which a bass
program is selected.
6 Set “Mode,” “Shift” and “Sync” to specify how the
pattern will play, and how it will synchronize.
When you press the key to which the pattern is
assigned, the pattern will begin playing. The
method of stopping playback will depend on the
“Mode” setting, but pressing the C2 or lower key
will stop all patterns.
For details on these parameters and on how to stop
the playback, refer to p.71 in the Parameter Guide.
The assigned keys will be shown as a keyboard
graphic in the LCD screen.
Unassigned keys can be used for normal keyboard
performance. Use “Track Select” to select the track
that will be played from the keyboard. For exam-
ple you might assign backing patterns such as
drums and bass to the C#2–B2 keys and use these
keys to control pattern playback, and use keys C3
and above to play solos in realtime. It is a good
idea to keep the assigned keys together in this
RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play/
Recording) function
U00: R&B Shuffle 1
Preset Patterns
User Pattern U00 - U99
RPPR function is on
Normal song playback and recording
P6: Pattern/RPPR page RPPR Setup tab