Incoming MIDI data will be handled with settings
equivalent to “Key Transpose” 0, “Velocity Curve”
4, and “After Touch Curve” 3.
• When controlling the TRITON’s tone generator
from an external MIDI device, select “PostMIDI.”
The above-listed settings will affect the MIDI data
that is received. These settings will also affect the
data that is played back from the internal
Outgoing MIDI data will be handled with settings
equivalent to “Key Transpose” 0, “Velocity Curve”
4, and “After Touch Curve” 3.
Connecting an external MIDI sequencer
or computer etc.
You can play the TRITON’s keyboard and record your
performance on an external MIDI sequencer/com-
puter (connected via a MIDI interface), and then play
back the recorded performance to sound the TRITON’s
tone generator (i.e., using the TRITON as an input key-
board and MIDI tone generator). To do this, connect
the MIDI OUT and MIDI IN connectors of the TRITON
and your external MIDI sequencer/computer to each
Local Control On settings
When connections are made as shown above, turn on
the Echo Back function of the external MIDI sequencer
or computer (so that data received at MIDI IN will be
re-transmitted from MIDI OUT), and turn off the TRI-
TON’s Local Control setting (so that the TRITON’s
keyboard and tone generator will be internally discon-
nected). When you play the keyboard of the TRITON,
the musical data will be transmitted to the external
MIDI sequencer or computer, and then echoed back to
play the TRITON’s tone generator. In other words, by
turning Local Control OFF, you can prevent notes from
being sounded in duplicate, as would otherwise occur
if a note were sounded by the TRITON’s own key-
board and again by the data that was echoed-back.
If the arpeggiator function is on, playing the TRITON’s
keyboard will not cause the arpeggiator to operate,
and only the musical data produced by playing the
keyboard will be transmitted. The arpeggiator will
operate only in response to the notes that are echoed-
back and received at MIDI IN. In this way, turning off
Local Control prevents the arpeggiator from operating
in duplicate.
Use this setting when you wish to record on the exter-
nal MIDI sequencer or computer only the notes that
trigger the arpeggiator, and to use the echoed-back
notes to operate the arpeggiator while monitoring your
recording or during playback.
To turn off Local Control, select the Global P1: MIDI,
and press the “Local Control On” check box to
uncheck it (
☞p.117 in the Parameter Guide).
When using the TRITON by itself, leave Local Control
turned on. (If this is off when the TRITON is used by
itself, playing the keyboard will not produce sound.)
If you want the note data produced by the arpeg-
giator to be recorded on the external sequencer/
computer, set Local Control on, and turn off the
Echo Back setting of the external sequencer/com-
By using a special cable to connect the TRITON’s TO
HOST to your computer, and installing the “Korg
MIDI Driver,” you can play and control the TRITON
from your computer. Direct cable connections are pos-
sible with the following computers.
Connecting an IBM PC (compatible)
To connect an IBM PC (compatible) with the TRITON,
you will need a separately sold AG-001B connecting kit
(cable and Korg MIDI Driver software).
1 Use the special AG-001B cable to connect the serial
port (COM port) of the IBM PC (compatible) to the
TRITON’s TO HOST connector.
If the serial port of your computer uses a 25-pin
connector, you will need to obtain a 9 pin - 25 pin
2 In Global P0: Basic Setup, set “PC I/F Baud Rate”
to 38.40 [kBPS]. (
☞“PC I/F Baud Rate settings”)
3 If you are using Windows, install the Korg MIDI
Driver. For the installation procedure, refer to
“Installing and setting up the Korg MIDI Driver”
MIDI interface
Connecting a computer
(TO HOST connector)
IBM PC (compatible)
Special cable (AG-001B)