Basic functions
3 Press the Insert button three times. Steps 01–04
will become active.
4 Select a song for each “Step” 01–04.
Select S000: Intro for “Step” 01, S001: A for “Step”
02, S002: Bridge for “Step” 03, and S003: Ending for
“Step” 04.
5 In “Repeat,” specify the number of times that the
song at each step will repeat.
Set “Step” 01 to 02, “Step” 02 to 04, “Step” 03 to 02,
and “Step” 04 to 01.
6 If necessary, check the “Load FX?” check box.
This specifies whether or not the effect settings will
also be changed when the song at that step is
played. If you want the effect settings to change,
check this box. For this example, check “Step” 01.
Depending on the effect settings, a certain amount
of time may be required for the effects to be
switched. If this occurs, the playback will not be
smoothly connected from song to song.
To ensure a smooth transition from song to song,
check “FX Load?” for “Step” 01. Do not check “FX
Load?” for the remaining steps. This way, the
effect settings will be made before playback
begins, and there will be no time lag when cue list
playback is started or when switching from song
to song. Although it will not be possible to change
effect types within the cue list, you can use
dynamic modulation or MIDI control changes
such as Effect Control to control the effects within
the cue list, for example applying reverb more
deeply on certain songs, or raising the LFO speed
for a specific song. We recommend this method if
you will be using a cue list to construct the song.
When you execute the “Convert to Song” page
menu command, the effect settings of the “Step”
01 song will be specified for the song that results
from the conversion.
Even if “Load FX?” is not checked, there may be
cases in which a time lag in the transition between
songs, depending on the musical data of the song.
Also, there may be cases in which the musical data
is not played at the correct timing at the transition
between songs. If this occurs, you can edit the
musical data of the song, or convert the cue list to
a song for playback. If you use “Convert to Song”
to convert the cue list to a song, there will be no
time lag during playback at the transition between
songs, and the musical data will be played at the
correct timing.
• “Step”: The arrow will indicate the currently
playing step. indicates the currently selected
“Step.” If you set “Current Step” while stopped,
the display will change.
• “Measure”: Indicates the starting measure of that
• “Meter”: Indicates the currently-playing time
signature. This cannot be changed.
7 This completes the settings. Press the [START/
STOP] key to begin playback from the step speci-
fied in “Current Step.”
Intro (measures 1–4) → Intro (measures 5–8), A
(measures 9–16) → A (measures 17–24) → A (mea-
sures 25–32) → A (measures 33–40) → Bridge (mea-
sures 41–48) → Bridge (measures 49–56) → Ending
(measures 57–60)
• The name of a cue list can be specified by the
“Rename Cue List” page menu command.
• If you wish to use the tempo that is specified by
the song of each step, set “Tempo Mode” to Auto.
If this is set to Manu (manual), playback will use
the tempo that you specify in “ =”.
• If you specify Continue to Step01 for the last step,
the cue list will continue playing back repeatedly.
• If you set “Repeat” to FS, a foot switch connected
to the [ASSIGNABLE SWITCH] jack will control
the timing at which the song stops repeating. Set
“Foot Switch Assign” (Global P2: Controller) to
Cue Repeat Control.
• When you play the keyboard, the program of the
track selected by “Track Select” will sound. If a
different program is selected for each song, the
program specified for the currently playing song
will sound.
Converting a cue list to a song
Although it is not possible to record additional mate-
rial onto tracks in a cue list, you can convert a cue list
to a song, and then record solos etc. to vacant tracks.
You will also need to convert a cue list to a song if you
wish to save it on a floppy disk as SMF data.
● Select the “Convert to Song” page menu com-
In “To Song,” specify the destination song number
for the converted data. The cue list name will auto-
matically be assigned as the song name of the con-
verted data. (For details and cautions regarding
“Convert to Song,” refer to p.53 in the Parameter
Sequencer mode