Track editing
Track editing is performed using the page menu com-
mands of P5: Track Edit.
Event Edit allows you to modify previously-recorded
data or to insert new data. Track Edit commands such
as Create Control Data allow you to insert bend, after
touch, and control change data, and to delete, copy,
insert and move tracks (
☞p.62 in the Parameter Guide).
Pattern editing
Using the page menu commands of the P6 Pattern Edit
tab and the Pattern Name tab, you can use event edit-
ing to modify the recorded data or insert new data,
and execute commands to delete, copy, or bounce pat-
terns (
☞p.69 in the Parameter Guide).
Song editing
The page menu commands of P0, 2, 3, 4, and 7 allow
you to rename, delete, and copy songs (
☞p.47 in the
Parameter Guide).
A cue list allows you to play multiple songs in succes-
sion. For example you can create a separate song for
each portion (introduction, melody A, melody B,
bridge, and ending) of a composition, and use the cue
list to specify the order of each portion and the number
of times that it will be repeated to complete the song.
You can also use this as a jukebox function that will
playback completed songs in the order you specify.
As an example, we will explain the procedure for creat-
ing individual songs for the introduction, melody A,
bridge, and ending, and then using a cue list to bring
these songs together to form a complete song.
1 Create separate songs for the introduction, melody
A, bridge, and ending.
S000: Intro (4 measures)
S001: A (8 measures)
S002: Bridge (8 measures)
S003: Ending (4 measures)
Record the songs.
When doing so, first create the program settings,
track settings, and effect settings for one song (e.g.,
S000), and then use the P0 page menu command
“Copy From Song” to copy these settings to the
other songs (S001–S003).
Keep the track settings unified as far as possible.
After the cue list is completed, you can convert it
into a song. When this is done, the track settings of
each song (program, pan, volume etc.) will be con-
verted into musical data and reproduced, but
unless the MIDI channel settings are the same, the
resulting song may not be the same as the cue list
2 Select Sequencer mode P1: Cue List.
With the default settings, song S000 will be selected
for “Step” 01, and End will be selected for “Step” 02.
Editing Creating and playing a Cue List
S000: Intro
S010: A
S011: B
S020 : Bridge
S010: A
S010: A (Solo)
Cue List
Intro A A A A
B Bridge
A (Solo)