Chapter 1 53
Agilent EXA Signal Analyzer
Dynamic Range
Phase Noise
Description Specifications Supplemental Information
Phase Noise
Noise Sidebands
Center Frequency = 1 GHz
Best-case Optimization
Internal Reference
a. The nominal performance of the phase noise at frequencies above the frequency at which the
specifications apply (1 GHz) depends on the band and the offset. For low offset frequencies,
offsets well under 100 Hz, the phase noise increases by 20 × log(f). For mid-offset frequen-
cies, such as [10 kHz, band 0 phase noise increases as 20 × log[(f + 5.1225)/6.1225]. For
mid-offset frequencies in other bands, phase noise changes as 20 × log[(f + 0.3225)/6.1225],
except if in this expression should never be lower than 5.8. For wide offset frequencies, [off-
sets well above 100 kHz], phase noise increases as 20 × log(N). N is the LO Multiple as
shown on page 15; f is in GHz units in all these relationships; all increases are in units of
b. Noise sidebands for lower offset frequencies, for example, 10 kHz, as apply with the phase
noise optimization (
Pn Noise Opt) set to Best Close-in φ Noise. Noise sidebands for higher
offset frequencies, for example, 1 MHz, as shown apply with the phase noise optimization set
Best Wid-offset φ Noise.
c. Specifications are given with the internal precision frequency reference. The phase noise at
offsets below 100 Hz is impacted or dominated by noise from the reference. Thus, perfor-
mance with external references will not follow the curves and specifications. The internal 10
MHz reference phase noise is about –120 dBc/Hz at 10 Hz offset; external references with
poorer phase noise than this will cause poorer performance than shown.
20 to 30°C5 to 50°C
100 Hz −84 dBc/Hz −82 dBc/Hz −88 dBc/Hz (typical)
1 kHz −98 dBc/Hz (nominal)
10 kHz −99 dBc/Hz −98 dBc/Hz −102 dBc/Hz (typical)
100 kHz −112 dBc/Hz −111 dBc/Hz −114 dBc/Hz (typical)
1 MHz −132 dBc/Hz −131 dBc/Hz −135 dBc/Hz (typical)
10 MHz −143 dBc/Hz (nominal)