Chapter 1: Overview
1. Mark individual tracks as being part of compilations by highlighting the track and
then selecting File>Get Info.
2. Check the Part of a compilation checkbox.
3. From iTunes Preferences, check the Group Compilations When Browsing
checkbox. This will group the tracks you’ve marked as compilations.
Within Sonos:
You can organize your Sonos music library to use this iTunes compilation view.
Using the Desktop Controller
1. Select File (or Sonos)>Preferences.
2. From the Library tab, select Group using iTunes compilations.
3. If you would like to see the individual artists displayed in a Contributing Artist view,
check the Show Contributing Artists in the Music Library checkbox. If this box
is not checked, the Contributing Artists view will not display.
Using the Sonos Controller
1. From the Music menu, select System Settings>Music Library Management>
Compilation Albums.
2. Select Group Using iTunes Compilations, and press OK.
Group by AlbumArtists
Windows Media Player, as well as some other players, use the Album Artist category to
group compilations and soundtrack albums (the Album Artist is the person, group or
composer the album would be filed under in a store.)
You can organize your Sonos music library to use the AlbumArtist compilation view.
Using Desktop Controller
1. Select File (or Sonos)>Preferences.
2. From the Library tab, select Group using AlbumArtists.
3. If you would like to see the individual artists displayed in a Contributing Artist view,
check the Show Contributing Artists in the Music Library checkbox. If this box
is not checked, the Contributing Artists view will not display.
Using Sonos Controller