Quantum Instruments DLT 7000 Cassette Player User Manual

SCSI Commands
5-136 Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
READ BUFFER Command (3Ch) (continued)
5.14.3 Descriptor Mode
In this mode, a maximum of four bytes of READ BUFFER descriptor information
is returned. The tape drive returns the descriptor information for the buffer
specified by the Buffer ID. In this mode, the drive does not reject the valid Buffer
IDs with a CHECK CONDITION status, but returns all zeros in the READ
BUFFER descriptor.
The Offset Boundary (Figure 5-66) is 12 (0Ch), indicating that buffer offsets
should be integral multiples of 4 K.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Offset Boundaries (0Ch)
1 - 3
Buffer Capacity
Figure 5–66 READ BUFFER Descriptor - Data Format