SCSI Commands
5-50 Quantum DLT 7000 Tape System
LOG SENSE Command (4Dh) (continued)
5.8.5 TapeAlert Page (2Eh)
This page returns results of the tape drive’s on-going self diagnosis, so that the
tape drive’s behavior can be monitored and high reliability ensured. The
TapeAlert page is read from the tape drive at the beginning of each
READ/WRITE activity, after any fatal errors occur during a READ/WRITE, at
the end of any tape cartridge when the READ/WRITE activity continues onto
another tape cartridge, and at the end of each READ/WRITE activity. The flags,
of which there are 16, are set or cleared by the tape drive when the failure or
corrective action occurs.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Page Code (2Eh)
1 Reserved
2 - 3
Page Length
Figure 5–22 TapeAlert LOG SENSE Header Format
Table 5–24 TapeAlert LOG SENSE Header Field Descriptions
Field Name Description
Page Code The Page Code echoes the page code that was specified in the LOG
SENSE command descriptor block.
Page Length The Page Length field specifies the total number of bytes contained in
this log page, not including the four bytes that make up the header.