Chapter 3
3.5.1 1 System
Shortly after switch-on, the Status LED will turn green and arrow keys will be lit
depending on which further menus are available. The following System menu
screen is displayed:
1 | >
The functions within the System menu are used to set various network parameters,
IP and MAC addresses and to view Build, Unit Serial Number and Factory
parameter information. 1.1 Network
To access the Network menu from the System menu, press the X (Forward) key.
The following screen is displayed:
NETWORK |Network Settings
1.1 |IP, Subnet, MAC > 1.1.1 IP1
To access and edit the IP1 menu, press the X (Forward) key. The following screen
is displayed and the Edit key is lit:
IP1 |IP:
1.1.1 |Subnet:
To edit the IP address:
1. Press the Edit key. The cursor appears below the first character of the IP
2. Edit the address as required using the W (Back) and X (Forward) keys to select
each digit in turn, and then using the S (Up) and T (Down) keys to increment or
decrement the digit.
3. Press Save to save the new settings or Edit to abandon the operation and
return to the current setting.
To edit the Subnet address:
1. Press the Edit key if not already in Edit mode. The cursor appears below the
first character of the IP address.
2. Press the X (Forward) key repeatedly to move the cursor to the end of the IP
address and down on to the Subnet address.
3. Edit the address as required using the W (Back) and X (Forward) keys to select
each digit in turn, and then using the S (Up) and T (Down) keys to increment or
decrement the digit.
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A