Ericsson RX8000 Stereo Receiver User Manual

Chapter 5
To view this page, select the Environment button from the Device Info Page.
Figure 5.6 Device Info > Environment Web Page
There are no fields on this page, which may be edited by the user. Selecting the
Refresh button will ensure that the latest information is displayed from the current
values of the equipment. Device Info > Network Settings
This page gives details of settings for control 1 and 2 networks.
To view this page, select the Network Settings button from the Device Info Page.
Figure 5.7 Device Info > Network Settings Web Page
Fields on this page allow the user to enter values for IP address and Subnet and to
select an appropriate value for Link Configuration from a drop down menu. These
values may be entered or updated for Control 1 and 2 networks. The Gateway
address, which is common for both networks, may be entered or updated in the
appropriate field.
Any changes made to the current values may be incorporated into this page by
selecting the Apply Changes button. Selecting the Refresh button will ensure that
the latest information is being displayed from the current values of the equipment. Device Info > Modules
This page gives a list of all modules contained in the equipment chassis.
To view this page, select the Modules button from the Device Info Page.
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A