Apollo 55 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

Standby ···········3-19
Part numbers ...........1-ii
Password .............7-16
Pattern ..............4-20
PDOP ..............3-21
Phase II Approach........9-89
Phase III Approach .......9-90
Photocell .............1-2
Power knob ............1-3
Power Up .............2-1
Pressure altitude.........7-21
Procedure turn ..........4-4
Procedure Turns . 9-21 - 9-22, 9-66,
Programmable Nav pages ....7-2
RAIM .........8-5, 9-29, 9-33
Clear exclusion list·····9-35
Exclude satellite ······9-34
Manual prediction ·····9-33
RAIM alarm ...........9-32
Range ...............3-4
Rate of climb...........7-21
Reactivate ............6-15
Recall frequency.........10-4
Reference position........11-7
Reference Waypoint 3-10, 5-10, 11-6
Relative Bearing Indicator ....3-3
Remove unit from aircraft . . . 12-2
Rename flight plan .......6-15
Repeat approach.........9-16
Replace unit in aircraft .....12-2
Reserve fuel ...........7-23
Rev Activate ...........6-15
Reverse flight plan........6-17
RF signal strength .......10-10
Right engine fuel ........7-23
RNAV ............5-16, 9-1
Route line .............4-4
Route line key...........4-4
RTEkey...........1-7, 4-4
Runway info............5-7
Runway length ......3-12, 5-11
Runway limits ..........3-12
Runway surface .........3-13
Save active flight plan......6-24
Scan ................4-3
Scan key ..............1-7
Search and Rescue........4-14
Basic Grid ······4-16, 4-18
Create user waypoint · · · 4-29
Creeping Line Pattern· · · 4-23
Expanding Square ·····4-26
Grid Line Display ·····4-15
Map Setup ·········4-16
Mark position ·······4-28
Parallel Line Pattern····4-21
Sectional Chart Grid····4-19
Select pattern ········4-20
Setting up a search pattern 4-32
US Grid Type ·······4-15
Search around ref wpt......3-10
Sectional Chart Grid ......4-19
Seed Position ..........11-5
Select a waypoint ......2-1, 2-3
Select different approach ....9-17
Setting measurement units....7-6
Setting up a search pattern . . . 4-32
Sidetone level..........10-12
Skip .............1-6, 11-1
Small knob ............1-3
Software memory test ......11-2
Software version.........7-12
Sort waypoints ..........2-2
Special use airspace .......3-13
Specifications .......1-9-1-12
Squelch knob ...........1-3
Standby .............3-20
Start up displays ....11-1 - 11-12
Startup bypass ..........11-1
Storing a waypoint ........2-5
Stuck microphone........10-9