Unnamed turn points, intersections, and
bearing/distance waypoints: Idents for unnamed turn
points, intersections, or bearing/distance waypoints
(other than VHF navaid distance/bearing), that are
not coincidental with named waypoints, are
constructed by using the ident of the nearest navaid
together with the distance (rounded to whole miles).
If the distance is less than 100 nm, the distance
follows the navaid ident. If the distance is 100 nm or
more, the last two digits of the miles are placed in
front of the navaid ident. For example:
INW 18 INW18
CSN 106 06CSN
TCS 89 TCS89
These are most often used for identifying bends in
airways that occur at unnamed positions and other en
route uses. It is unlikely that you will often see this
convention used to name any approach waypoints,
but you will occasionally.
Phase II GPS
GPS equipment may be used as the primary IFR
flight guidance during a non-precision approach
without actively monitoring the applicable navaid(s)
which define the approach being used. However, the
traditional ground-based navaid(s) required for the
published approach and alternate should be
operational and the associated avionics installed and
operational. The approach should be requested and
approved by its published name, such as “NDB
Runway 24.” Modification of the published
instrument approach name is not required.
Approach Notes