The desired track shown on an Arc Assist
page is relative to the arc, not to the flight
plan legs. The DME-Arc is always
perpendicular to the present radial and it
shows the desired track at the current radial
if the aircraft was on the arc. It is the
desired no-wind heading if established on
the arc. If your distance from the reference
waypoint is greater or less than the distance
for the published arc, you will need to
increase or decrease your heading to
intercept the arc.
Vector to Final The Vector to Final function allows you to fly directly
to a final approach course.
When you select the Vector to Final option,
sequencing is disabled and the OBS Direct To course
is set automatically using the course defined by the
FAF to MAP path with the FAF set as the TO
waypoint. A course intercept alert will appear when:
the Track Angle Error is £45°, and the Cross Track
Distance is £1 nm and on the TO side of the FAF.
Sequencing is automatically enabled after
intercepting the course and within 4 nm of the FAF.
1. While in the NAV or MAP functions, press
You will see the flashing “Vector to Final?” prompt
on the home page of the Flight Plan function.
Turn the
SMALL knob to show this display, if
necessary. Press
*Active* 41.0nm
Appr Arpt: SLE
Vector to Final?
2. Follow ATC directives.
Approach Basics (GX50/60)