LexiconMPX G2 User Guide
195 Little Amp
A tiny “hog-style” amp with a 6 inch speaker.
196 Phone Filter
Overcompressed and drastically EQ’d, this is an effective way to accent a part or phrase
within a mix.
197 Vibro Cab
The original Vibro Tone guitar cabinet had a rotating baffle in front of a 12 inch guitar
speaker. It produced a swirling sound by spraying the speaker output through the top and
sides of the cabinet as the baffle rotated. A built-in crossover sent high frequencies back
to the original guitar amp so that the top end sound didn’t swirl. We use a crossover, stereo
chorus and auto panners to create the effect. A/B toggles between slow and fast rotary
198 Cordovox
The original Cordovox had a rotating baffle cabinet. It had an 8 inch speaker which had
pretty limited bass and treble frequency response and distorted quite easily. Sound was
projected out of the top and sides of the cabinet. Our version uses the preamp to recreate
the amp and speaker characteristics. The sound is gritty, so when you dig in you get a
lot of distortion but, as you play lighter or switch to less powerful pickups, you get cleaner
sounds. Stereo chorus and auto panners are used to create the swirl. A/B toggles
between slow and fast rotary speeds.
199 Rotary Cab
A Leslie speaker has separate rotating elements for treble and bass. Our version adds
Chamber reverb to put the cab in in a small room. The preamp sound is clean with a little
bit of grit, so when you dig in you get some distortion. A/B button controls fast and slow
speeds of the rotary speaker.
Programs 200-209 are designed to give you a suite of realistic reverberation and
ambience treatments for electric and acoustic guitar tracks. Think of this as adding
several different live-tracking rooms plus some classic Lexicon reverb processors to your
Each program can be used stand alone for tracking — just plug in your guitar and record
direct through the MPX G2 built-in preamp. (You can easily change the preamp by using
Copy Effect in Edit mode to copy the preamp from any other program.
These programs can also be used for tracking with an external preamp as well as for
processing pre-recorded tracks during mixdown.
When using an external preamp, connect its outputs to the MPX G2 Insert Return jacks.
Use the MPX G2 Speaker Simulator to fine tune the raw preamp sound.
To process pre-recorded tracks, connect the MPX G2 Insert Returns to your console’s
sends as you would any stereo processor. Turn off the MPX G2 Speaker Simulator and
Noise Gate, and set Post Mix (in Edit: Mix mode) to 100% wet.
200 TrackingRoom
This program features the Ambience effect. Use it to add room sound without adding the
decay associated with reverberation. This is a great way to add “air” to when you’re
tracking direct. Stereo EQ (in the Soft Row) lets you fine tune the sparkle and boom (high
and low frequencies).
Studio Spaces
(Stand Alone)