The Effects and Parameters
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Time 140-700ms Reverb time for mid and low frequency signals
Link Off, On Scales Spred with Size
Diff 0-100% Increase of initial echo density over time
P Dly 0-250ms Delay inserted before the onset of reverberation
LoSlp -16 to +16 Determines low frequency envelope shape
HiSlp -16 to +16 Determines mid and high frequency envelope shape
Xover 30Hz to 24.7kHz, Full Frequency of transition from LoSlp to Slope
Rt HC 525Hz-24.7kHz, Flat High frequency content of Slope
Shape 0-255 Contour of the reverberation envelope
Spred 0-255 Sustain of reverberation after initial build up
Gate is a reverb effect with a
fairly constant sound and no de-
cay until the reverb is cut off
abruptly. This effect works well on
percussion — particularly on snare
and toms, but be sure to experi-
ment with other sound sources as
The Mix, P Dly and Rt HC pa-
rameters are very important in this
effect, allowing you to create any-
thing from an enhancement or
subtle thickening, to a solid wall of
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