Lexicon MPX G2 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

The Effects and Parameters
The Echo effects are similar to
the Delay effects, except the feed-
back inputs are sent through 1-
pole low-pass filters.
Damp provides control over the
cutoff frequency of the filter. (In-
creasing Damp lowers cutoff fre-
Echo (M)
Echo (S)
Echo (D)
Echo (M), Echo (S) and Echo (D)
Mix 0-100% Dry/Wet ratio
Level Off, -89 to +6dB Amount of effect in the processed signal
Time 0-20000ms Delay time in mono version
0-22600 ft, 0-6880 M
(Time Units) Selects ms, note, feet, meters, or Tap ms
Time1 0-10,000ms Left delay time
0-11,300 ft, 0-3440 M
(Time1 Units) Selects ms, note, feet, meters, or Tap ms
Time2 0-10,000ms, Right delay time
0-11,300 ft, 0-3440 M
(Time2 Units) Selects ms, note, feet, meters, or Tap ms
Lvl 1* Off, -95 to 0dB In Echo (D) controls left delay output level
Lvl 2* Off, -95 to 0dB In Echo (D) controls right delay output level
Fbk 1 -100 to +100% Left feedback level
(Fbk insert) Effect1, Effect2,Chorus, The outputs of the selected source are scaled by Fbk
Fbk 2 -100 to +100% Right feedback level
Damp1 0 to +100% Cutoff frequency of low-pass filter in left feedback path
Damp2 0 to +100% Cutoff frequency of low-pass filter in right feedback path
Clear Off, On When On, mutes and resets the delay
* = Interpolated; ( ) = Option of preceding parameter
21 190
Echo (M)
31 190
Echo (S)
40 190
Echo (D)