How Do I? Part 1 IP Connectivity - Page 77
Task Description
Step 7 (optional)
This step is optional and is only required if two
ISDN bearer channels are required. Proceed
to the next step if a single bearer channel is to
be used. Apply the parameter to the IP401
Parameter IPNC IP401
Service /Bandwidth
• Max Number
<blank> 2
Service /Bandwidth
• Extra BW Threshold
<blank> 20*
This optional configuration allows the IP401 to dial a
second ISDN bearer channel when bandwidth
utilisation exceeds 25% on the first channel (100% =
With a value of 20 the second bearer channel is
established when a send voice call is made. Increase
or decease this value relative to requirements.
Step 8 (optional)
This step is optional and is only required if the
NAT functionality is required. Proceed to the
next step if NAT is not required.
Apply the following configuration to the IPNC
• NAT = selected
With this option selected the IPNC will NAT source IP
addresses from the Homeworker’s network to the
LAN1 IP address of the IPNC. This feature is most
useful when the Homeworker requires Internet access
via the Corporate network and Internet compliant IP
addresses are in short supply.
Because the NAT process is only applied to IP
packets leaving through the LAN1 interface, this
configuration is suitable for VoIP. It would not be
permissible to enable NAT on the IP401as this would
effect the suitability of the application to support VoIP.
Step 9
Add an IP route entry to support the
• IP Address =
• IP Mask =
• Gateway = <blank>
• Destination = IP401
• IP Address =
• IP Mask =
• Gateway = <Blank>
• Destination = IPNC
A routing entry must be added to allow access
between the two networks.
Note: You can optionally configure the System/DNS
tab on the IP401 for DNS, WINS, WINS
Step 10
Submit and test Configuration
Use the repeat Ping option (-t) to a device on the
remote location and observe the Monitor Application.
While the Ping is maintained, select Call Events and
ensure that the IP401 dials the number configured in
Step 6.
If the IP401 dials, connects and then immediately
disconnects but the Pings are unsuccessful, use the
Monitor application and select PPP to check LCP
TX/RX and Security TX/RX. This will show whether the
call is cleared as result of a bad password and/or
incompatible PPP parameters.
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual How Do I? - Page 77
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) Part 1 IP Connectivity