How Do I? Part 1 IP Connectivity - Page 67
Dial-in Access for PC Modem/ TA with Callback
Using either an ISDN Terminal Adaptor (TA) or a analogue modem the remote
PC will be configured to access resources on the Corporate network. With the
callback option selected on the IPNC, the initial call from the Windows PC will be
dropped and return call made to establish IP connectivity.
Windows 95/98/2000/NT/XP
Corporate Network
and IPNC
TA or Modem
The configuration makes the following assumptions:
1. The Home Worker is using MS Dialup Networking PC which is configured to
allow IP parameters to be allocated on connection. This example assumes
networking parameters WIN Server and DNS are required.
2. This configuration supports a single Windows PC.
Step 1
Configure INDEX environment using
either the (T) or (S) interface (see pages
90 and 91). The configuration must
ensure the DDI digits <396010> are
presented to the IPNC line card.
Program the INDeX to route the incoming call to the IPNC
line card group.
The DDI digits will be configured as per the Extension field
entered in the RAS menu (see page 55).
Step 2
Test INDeX configuration
Use the Monitor application, select Call and enable Call
events. Point the Monitor application to the local IPNC and
dial the Group number configured in Step one from an on-
switch extension. The Call event on the Monitor Application
must indicate the call is presented to the local IPNC.
The result tone returned by the On-switch extension (i.e.
engaged or busy) is not significant. It is only important that
the call is presented to the IPNC.
Step 3
Modify the Extension field of the default
RAS (Dial-in) as shown below:
Extension = 396010
The RAS allows the IPNC router to identify which incoming
calls are to be associated to data routing.
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual How Do I? - Page 67
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) Part 1 IP Connectivity