The Manager Application The File Menu - Page 25
The File Menu
This option (alternatively, you can use the file icon) extracts the currently
operational configuration file(s) from the IPNC's flash memory (see page 23). If
there are multiple IPNCs, then the window shown below is displayed. Select the
required IPNC and then click OK. In all cases you are then requested to enter the
local access password.
This closes the current configuration file. If not already saved, you will be asked
to save the file (see Save and Save As below).
This option (alternatively, you can use the disk icon) saves an open configuration.
When working locally, the file is saved in both the Managers working directory
(see Change Working Directory) and in the IPNC. (If you are still using the
default passwords, you will receive a warning.) When Save is selected locally,
you are asked when you wish to reboot as follows:
The new .cfg file is activated only when the IPNC has been re-booted. You can
choose to re-boot Immediately, which may disrupt service, When Free, or by
Merging Config. Merging is only available for certain parameters and avoids the
need to reboot (see page 23).
Note: The options to reboot the IPNC are also given when you send an edited
.cfg file to the IPNC (see File | Offline | Send Config on page 27).
INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual The Manager Application - Page 25
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02) The File Menu