Page 24 - Configuration Files The Manager Application
Opening/Saving Configurations Files Overview
Configuration files can be opened in different ways as follows:
• Retrieve the current .cfg file from the IPNC's flash memory and open it in
the Manager application. The Configuration Tree for the current .cfg file will
be displayed (see page 25). This file can then be edited but will not become
fully operational until the IPNC is rebooted (see page 25).
• Receive the current .cfg file from the IPNC's flash memory and store it in
the Manager application. The Configuration Tree for the current .cfg file will
not be displayed (see page 27) until the file is Opened (see page 27). When
the file is opened it can be edited but will not become fully operational until
the IPNC is rebooted (see page 25).
• Select and open any of the .cfg files stored within the Manager application.
The Configuration Tree for the select .cfg file will be displayed (see page 27).
This file can then be edited but will not become fully operational until the
IPNC is rebooted (see page 25).
Configuration files that have been created/edited can be saved in different ways
as follows:
dmin PC
A .cfg file that has been created or edited can be
Send Config
Reboot Options
• The Save As option will only save the .cfg file in the Manager folder on the
Admin PC and will not become operation until sent to the IPNC and the IPNC
is rebooted (see page 27).
• The Save option will store the .cfg file in both the IPNC's flash memory and
the Manager folder on the Admin PC. This file will not become fully
operational until the IPNC is rebooted. You are then given options as to
when you wish to reboot (see page 25).
• The Send Config option will store the .cfg file in both the IPNC's flash
memory and the Manager folder on the Admin PC. This file will not become
fully operational until the IPNC is rebooted. You are then given options as to
when you wish to reboot (see page 27)
Note: The Save option is useful for retaining configuration files which are in the
process of being changed.
If substantial changes have been made to a configuration file, it is
advisable to save the existing configuration under a different name, as a
fallback (use File | Save As). A back-up should also be made of the
current configuration, to a suitable archive medium, and stored in a safe
Page 24 - The Manager Application INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
Configuration Files 38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)