Page 16 - Contents
The Manager Application
The Manager Application is the configuration and management tool for all
functions of the IPNC. Since the Manager is common to other Avaya products
(e.g. the Alchemy range) some fields are redundant, these will be clearly
identified in subsequent sections.
Each operator has a profile that defines the range of tasks he/she is permitted to
carry out. All profiles are password protected. This Section explains:
– How to start the Manager and obtain a configuration file to edit
– The general use of the Manager
– Defining operator profiles
– Using the Manager’s File menu.
Also included are useful maintenance procedures, such as the remote use of the
Admin PC, enable/disable DCHP, etc.
Note: The Manager Help also runs from CD and can be accessed directly.
Page 16 - Contents INDeX IPNC Cassette Administration Manual
38DHB0002UKDD – Issue 7 (22/11/02)