clear fdb Deletes an entry from the forwarding database (FDB).
Syntax —
clear fdb {perm | static | dynamic |
port port-list} [vlan vlan-id] [tag tag-value]
■ perm — Clears permanent entries. A permanent entry does not age
out and remains in the database even after a reboot, reset, or power
cycle. You must specify a VLAN name or number with this option.
■ static — Clears static entries. A static entry does not age out, but is
removed from the database after a reboot, reset, or power cycle. You
must specify a VLAN name or number with this option.
■ dynamic — Clears dynamic entries. A dynamic entry is automatically
removed through aging or after a reboot, reset, or power cycle. You
are not required to specify a VLAN name or number with this option.
■ port port-list — Clears dynamic entries that match destination
ports in the port list. You are not required to specify a VLAN name or
number with this option.
■ vlan vlan-id — VLAN name or number—required for removing
permanent and static entries. For dynamic entries, specifying a VLAN
removes entries that match only that VLAN. Otherwise, dynamic
entries that match all VLANs are removed.
■ tag tag-value — VLAN tag value that identifies a virtual port. If you
do not specify a tag value, MSS deletes only entries that match
untagged interfaces. Specifying a tag value deletes entries that match
only the specified tagged interfaces
Default — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You can delete forwarding database entries based on entry
type, port, or VLAN. A VLAN name or number is required for deleting
permanent or static entries.
Examples — The following command clears all static forwarding
database entries that match VLAN blue:
WX4400# clear fdb static vlan blue
success: change accepted.