
Use Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) commands to configure and manage
spanning trees on the virtual LANs (VLANs) configured on a wireless LAN
switch or controller, to maintain a loop-free network.
STP Commands by
This chapter presents STP commands alphabetically. Use the following
table to locate commands in this chapter based on their use.
Table 59 STP Commands by Usage
Type Command
STP State “set spantree” on page 332
“display spantree” on page 320
“display spantree blockedports” on page 323
Bridge Priority “set spantree priority” on page 340
Port Cost “set spantree portcost” on page 336
“set spantree portvlancost” on page 338
“display spantree portvlancost” on page 325
“clear spantree portcost” on page 316
“clear spantree portvlancost” on page 317
Port Priority “set spantree portpri” on page 337
“set spantree portvlanpri” on page 339
“clear spantree portpri” on page 317
“clear spantree portvlanpri” on page 318
Timers “set spantree fwddelay” on page 334
“set spantree hello” on page 334
“set spantree maxage” on page 335
Fast Convergence “set spantree portfast” on page 337
“display spantree portfast” on page 324