See Also
■ “clear dap” on page 58
■ “clear port type” on page 61
■ “set {ap | dap} radio antennatype” on page 265
■ “set dap” on page 73
■ “set port type wired-auth” on page 86
■ “set radio-profile 11g-only” on page 275
■ “set system countrycode” on page 51
set port type
Configures a WX switch port for a wired authentication user.
Before changing the port type from ap to wired-auth or from
wired-auth to ap, you must reset the port with the clear port type
Syntax —
set port type wired-auth port-list [tag tag-list]
[max-sessions num]
■ port-list — List of physical ports.
■ tag-list — One or more numbers between 1 and 4094 that
subdivide a wired authentication port into virtual ports.
■ num — Maximum number of simultaneous user sessions supported.
Defaults — The default tag-list is null (no tag values). The default
number of sessions is 1.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You cannot set a port’s type if the port is a member of a port
VLAN. To remove a port from a VLAN, use the clear vlan command. To
reset a port as a network port, use the clear port type command.
When you change port type, MSS applies default settings appropriate for
the port type. Table 18 lists the default settings that MSS applies when
you set a port’s type to ap.