
set location policy 203
The fallthru method is web. (For a wireless authentication rule, the
fallthru method is specified by the set service-profile auth-fallthru
command. For a wired authentication rule, the fallthru method is
specified by the auth-fall-thru option of the set port type wired-auth
Examples — The following command configures a Web AAA rule in the
local WX database for SSID ourcorp and userglob rnd*:
WX4400# set authentication web ssid ourcorp rnd* local
success: change accepted.
See Also
“clear authentication web” on page 170
“display aaa” on page 180
“set authentication admin” on page 189
“set authentication console” on page 191
“set authentication dot1x” on page 193
“set authentication last-resort” on page 197
set location policy Creates and enables the location policy on a WX switch. The location
policy overrides normal AAA attributes, if any, and controls network
access, VLAN access, and/or application of security ACL filters to wireless
and wired users. Each location policy consists of one or more numbered
location policy rules.
set location policy deny
if {vlan operator vlan-glob | user operator user-glob | port
port-list | dap dap-num} [before rule-number | modify
rule-number ]
Syntax set location policy permit
{vlan vlan-name | inacl inacl-name | outacl outacl-name}
if {vlan operator vlan-glob | user operator user-glob |
port port-list | dap dap-num} [before rule-number |
modify rule-number]
deny — Denies access to the network to users with characteristics that
match the location policy rule.