■ radiotype 11a | 11b | 11g — Radio type:
■ 11a — 802.11a
■ 11b — 802.11b
■ 11g — 802.11g
This option does not apply to single-radio models. The value 11g does
not apply to model MP-101.
Defaults — All WX ports are network ports by default.
The default radio type for model MP-101 is 802.11b. The default radio
type for model AP2750, MP-241, and MP-341, and for the 802.11b/g
radios in models MP-52, MP-252, and MP-262, and MP-352, is 802.11g
in regulatory domains that support 802.11g, or 802.11b in regulatory
domains that do not support 802.11g.
MAP radios configured for 802.11g also allow associations from 802.11b
clients by default. To disable support for 802.11b associations, use the
set radio-profile 11g-only command on the radio profile that contains
the radio.
MAP model MP-262 requires an external antenna for the 802.11b/g
radio. You must specify the antenna model. MAP models MP-341 and
MP-352 have an internal 802.1b/g antenna as well as a connector for an
external antenna, so use of an external antenna is optional on these
models. To specify the model, use the set {ap | dap} radio antennatype
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — You cannot set a port’s type if the port is a member of a port
VLAN. To remove a port from a VLAN, use the clear vlan command. To
reset a port as a network port, use the clear port type command.
When you change port type, MSS applies default settings appropriate for
the port type. Table 17 lists the default settings that MSS applies when
you set a port’s type to ap.