set mac-user attr 207
(To configure a MAC user profile in RADIUS, see the documentation for
your RADIUS server.)
Syntax —
set mac-user mac-addr [group group-name]
■ mac-addr — MAC address of the user, in hexadecimal numbers
separated by colons (:). You can omit leading zeros.
■ group-name — Name of an existing MAC user group.
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Usage — MSS does not require MAC users to belong to user groups.
Users authenticated by MAC address can be authenticated only for
network access through the WX switch. MSS does not support passwords
for MAC users.
Examples — The following command creates a user profile for a user at
MAC address 01:02:03:04:05:06 and assigns the user to the eastcoasters
user group:
WX4400# set mac-user 01:02:03:04:05:06 group eastcoasters
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “clear mac-user” on page 172
■ “display aaa” on page 180
set mac-user attr Assigns an authorization attribute in the local database on the WX switch
to a user who is authenticated by a MAC address.
(To assign authorization attributes through RADIUS, see the
documentation for your RADIUS server.)
Syntax —
set mac-user mac-addr attr attribute-name value
■ mac-addr — MAC address of the user, in hexadecimal numbers
separated by colons (:). You can omit leading zeros.