set service-profile psk-phrase 303
When 40-bit WEP in WPA is enabled in the service profile, radios
managed by a radio profile that is mapped to the service profile can also
support non-WPA clients that use dynamic WEP.
To support WPA clients that use 104-bit dynamic WEP, you must enable
WEP with 104-bit keys in the service profile. Use the set service-profile
cipher-wep104 command.
Microsoft Windows XP does not support WEP with WPA. To configure a
service profile to provide dynamic WEP for XP clients, leave WPA disabled
and use the set service-profile wep commands.
To support non-WPA clients that use static WEP, you must configure static
WEP keys. Use the set service-profile wep key-index command.
Examples — The following command configures service profile sp2 to
use 40-bit WEP encryption:
WX4400# set service-profile sp2 cipher-wep40 enable
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “set service-profile cipher-ccmp” on page 299
■ “set service-profile cipher-tkip” on page 300
■ “set service-profile cipher-wep104” on page 301
■ “set service-profile wep key-index” on page 311
■ “set service-profile wpa-ie” on page 312
set service-profile
Configures a passphrase for preshared key (PSK) authentication to use for
authenticating WPA clients, in a service profile. Radios use the PSK as a
pairwise master key (PMK) to derive unique pairwise session keys for
individual WPA clients.
Syntax —
set service-profile name psk-phrase passphrase
■ name — Service profile name.
■ passphrase — An ASCII string up to 63 characters long. The string
can contain blanks if you use quotation marks at the beginning and
end of the string.
Defaults — None.