display {ap | dap} status 243
See Also
■ “set {ap | dap} group” on page 263
display {ap | dap}
Displays MAP access point and radio status information.
Syntax — display ap status [port-list | all [radio {1 | 2}]]
Syntax — display dap status [dap-num [radio {1 | 2}]]
■ port-list — List of ports connected to the MAP access point(s) for
which to display status.
■ dap-num — Number of a Distributed MAP for which to display status.
■ all — Shows status information for all directly attached MAP access
points and all Distributed MAP access points configured on the switch.
■ radio 1 — Shows status information for radio 1.
■ radio 2 — Shows status information for radio 2. (This option does
not apply to single-radio models.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Status Association status of the MAP access point:
■ Accepting — The MAP access point is accepting new
■ Refusing — The MAP access point is refusing new
Refused Number of association requests refused by the MAP access
point due to load balancing. MSS resets this counter to 0
when the WX switch is restarted, MSS is reloaded, or the
access point is removed from the group.
Table 48 Output for display ap group (continued)
Field Description