display arp 117
■ “display summertime” on page 129
■ “display timedate” on page 130
■ “display timezone” on page 131
display arp Shows the ARP table.
Syntax — display arp [ip-addr]
■ ip-addr — IP address.
Default — If you do not specify an IP address, the whole ARP table is
Usage — All.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command displays ARP entries:
WX4400# display arp
ARP aging time: 1200 seconds
Host HW Address VLAN Type State
------------------------------ ----------------- ----- ------- -------- 00:0b:0e:02:76:f5 1 DYNAMIC RESOLVED 00:0b:0e:02:76:f7 1 LOCAL RESOLVED
Table 26 describes the fields in this display.
Table 26 Output for display arp
Field Description
ARP aging time Number of seconds a dynamic entry can remain unused
before MSS removes the entry from the ARP table.
Host IP address, hostname, or alias.
HW Address MAC address mapped to the IP address, hostname, or alias.
VLAN VLAN the entry is for.