set ip ssh 143
■ “set snmp trap” on page 150
■ “set snmp trap receiver” on page 153
set ip ssh Changes the TCP port number on which a wireless LAN switch listens for
Secure Shell (SSH) management traffic.
CAUTION: If you change the SSH port number from an SSH session, MSS
immediately ends the session. To open a new management session, you
must configure the SSH client to use the new TCP port number.
Syntax —
set ip ssh port port-num
■ port-num — TCP port number.
Default — The default SSH port number is 22.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command changes the SSH port number on
a WX switch to 6000:
WX4400# set ip ssh port 6000
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “set ip ssh absolute-timeout” on page 143
■ “set ip ssh idle-timeout” on page 144
■ “set ip ssh server” on page 145
set ip ssh
Changes the number of minutes an SSH session can remain open. The
absolute-timeout value applies regardless of whether the session is active
or idle.
Syntax —
set ip ssh absolute-timeout minutes
■ minutes — Number of minutes an SSH session can remain open. You
can set the absolute timeout to a value from 0 (disabled) to
2,147,483,647 minutes