clear user attr 177
Examples — The following command deletes the user profile for user
WX4400# clear user Nin
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “display aaa” on page 180
■ “set user” on page 217
clear user attr Removes an authorization attribute from the user profile in the local
database on the WX switch, for a user with a password.
(To remove an authorization attribute from a RADIUS user profile, see the
documentation for your RADIUS server.)
Syntax —
clear user username attr attribute-name
■ username — Username of a user with a password.
■ attribute-name — Name of an attribute used to authorize the user
for a particular service or session characteristic. (For a list of
authorization attributes, see Table 40 on page 209.)
Defaults — None.
Access — Enabled.
History — Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.
Examples — The following command removes the Session-Timeout
attribute from Hosni’s user profile:
WX4400# clear user Hosni attr session-timeout
success: change accepted.
See Also
■ “display aaa” on page 180
■ “set user attr” on page 218
clear user group Removes a user with a password from membership in a user group in the
local database on the WX switch.