GS2 Display—RTK
OUO6050,0000C27 –19–22SEP07–1/1
RTK Vehicle Security Status
The RTK Vehicle (when operating off of a Secure Network
ID) will exist in one of the three following RTK
authorization states: Unknown, Authorized, or Not
Unknown – The RTK Vehicle StarFire upon power up is
in an “unknown” RTK authorization state. It will exist in
this state until communication with the base station is
established. No message will be displayed in cell G of the
GreenStar Monitor.
Authorized – On power-up of a RTK Vehicle StarFire that
is properly configured and on the authorization list , the
message “RTK Network: Authorized” will be displayed in
cell G as soon as it establishes communication with the
secure RTK base station and it determines that it is
authorized to receive RTK corrections.
Unauthorized – On power-up of a RTK Vehicle StarFire
that is properly configured, but the serial number has not
been entered into the base station RAL, the message
“RTK Network: Not Authorized” will be displayed in cell G
as soon as it establishes communication with the secure
RTK base station and it determines that it is not
authorized to receiver RTK corrections.