Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
OUO6050,0002236 –19–25NOV06–1/5
STARFIRE iTC Diagnostic Addresses
NOTE: Invalid address values will be noted as all 9’s
Control Unit Add. Description Details
iTC 000 Controller unit identifier
iTC 001 Diagnostic Trouble Codes Has Codes - Select entry to display Diagnostic
Trouble Codes
iTC 002 System Beep: iTC system beep mode
iTC 003 GPS time in Universal Time Coordinate format. Shown in hours:minutes:seconds
iTC 004 DISPLAY: GPS Date based off universal time. Shown in days, months, years
iTC 005 DISPLAY: Latitude value with TCM corrections. Shown in ± degrees
iTC 006 DISPLAY: Longitude value with TCM corrections. Shown in ± degrees
iTC 007 DISPLAY: Altitude above sea level Shown in meters
iTC 008 DISPLAY: GPS heading with TCM corrections. Shown in degrees
iTC 009 DISPLAY: GPS speed. Shown in kph
iTC 010 DISPLAY: GPS position status. 0 = none - No GPS position
1 = 2D - GPS position (2 dimensional)
2 = 3D - GPS position (3 dimensional)
iTC 011 DISPLAY: Current differential corrections being 0 = No differential correction signal
used. 1 = Other differential correction signal
3 = Government differential correction signal
6 = Form of RTK differential correction signal
7 = RTK differential correction signal
9 = Dual signal, no external differential correction
10 = Dual channel mode receiving EGNOS
differential correction signal
11 = Dual channel mode receiving experimental
EGNOS differential correction signal
12 = STARFIRE corrections (RTG)
13 = Receiver in dual channel mode receiving
STARFIRE correction
iTC 012 DISPLAY: Estimated Quality of receiver position 1 to 10
iTC 013 DISPLAY: Estimated Quality of received GPS signal. Shown in per cent
iTC 14 DISPLAY: Quality of received StarFire corrections 1 to 10
iTC 015 DISPLAY: Age of correction data received. Shown in seconds
iTC 016 DISPLAY: Angle above horizon which satellites are Shown in degrees
included in navigational solution.
iTC 017 DISPLAY: Number of satellites being tracked 1 to 12
iTC 018 DISPLAY: Number of satellites used for navigation 1 to 12
iTC 19 DISPLAY: Positional Dilution of Precision
Continued on next page