Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
OUO6050,0002236 –19–25NOV06–2/5
Control Unit Add. Description Details
iTC 020 DISPLAY: Angle of side to side receiver tilt. Shown in degrees.
iTC 021 DISPLAY: Degrees per second of heading change. Shown in degrees/second
iTC 022 DISPLAY: Current differential license 0 = StarFire license not processed
1 = StarFire factory license valid
2 = StarFire license valid
3 = StarFire license expired
4 = StarFire license pending
5 = StarFire license grace period valid
6 = StarFire license validation error
7 = StarFire license out of sequence
8 = StarFire license duration invalid
9 = StarFire license type invalid
10 = StarFire receiver needs position
11 = StarFire license grace period empty
12 = StarFire current license is already authentic
13 = StarFire license is retrograded
14 = StarFire license (disabled)
15 = StarFire license (disabled) is cancelled
16 = StarFire license is currently disabled unable to
17 = Invalid StarFire receiver
18 = StarFire correction license has invalid level
19 = StarFire correction numbers already entered
20 StarFire correction license cancelled
21 No StarFire correction license (unable to cancel)
22 = StarFire differential correction license needs
23 = StarFire differential license requires activation
24 = StarFire license process out of sequence
iTC 023 DISPLAY: Deactivation date of corrections license Shown in days, months, years
iTC 024 DISPLAY: Remaining GPS days of corrections Shown in number of license days left before
license deactivation of correction signal
iTC 025 DISPLAY: The voltage level of the 12V switched Shown in VDC
power supply to the unit.
iTC 026 DISPLAY: The voltage level of the 12V unswitched Shown in VDC
power supply to the unit.
iTC 027 DISPLAY: The voltage level of CAN HIGH line. Shown in VDC
iTC 028 DISPLAY: The voltage level of CAN LOW line. Shown in VDC
iTC 029 DISPLAY: Hours of operation Shown in number of hours
iTC 30 DISPLAY/MODIFY: Hours of navigation after key off 0 hours
3 hours
6 hours
12 hours
24 hours
iTC 32 DISPLAY/MODIFY: Continue navigation from last 0 = No
known position. 1 = Yes
iTC 034 DISPLAY/MODIFY: Distance from top of receiver Shown in centimeters
dome to ground.
Continued on next page