GS2 Display—StarFire iTC
OUO6050,0000ED9 –19–07NOV07–1/4
NMEA Strings
NMEA String Data – Utilizing a third party GPS receiver or
utilizing a StarFire iTC
National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) has
developed a specification that defines the interface
between various pieces of electronic equipment.
One of the most important NMEA sentences include the
GGA which provides the current Fix data, the RMC which
provides the minimum GPS sentences information, and
the GSA which provides the Satellite status data.
GGA - essential fix data which provide 3D location and
accuracy data.
GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
123519 Fix taken at 12:35:19 UTC
4807.038,N Latitude 48 deg 07.038’ N
01131.000,E Longitude 11 deg 31.000’ E
1 Fix quality:
0 = invalid
1 = GPS fix (SPS)
2 = DGPS fix
3 = PPS fix
4 = Real Time Kinematic
5 = Float RTK
6 = estimated (dead reckoning)
7 = Manual input mode
8 = Simulation mode
08 Number of satellites being tracked
0.9 Horizontal dilution of position
545.4,M Altitude, Meters, above mean sea level
46.9,M Height of geoid (mean sea level) above WGS84
Continued on next page