Mode parameters
Here you can select the virtual track for each track. Each
track has eight virtual tracks: “A”–“H.” Select one of these
virtual tracks for recording/playback on each track.
Track editing operations other than “CpyVTrk,” “DelVTrk”
will affect the virtual track you select here. Other virtual
tracks will not be affected by your editing operations.
If you select a virtual track that already contains recorded
data, a “O” symbol is shown beside “A”–“H.” Tracks that are
not yet recorded have an “-” indication.
1. Trk1-VTr............................................[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
Select the virtual track for track “1”.
2. Trk2-VTr............................................[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
Select the virtual track for track “2”.
3. Trk3-VTr............................................[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
Select the virtual track for track “3”.
4. Trk4-VTr............................................[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]
Select the virtual track for track “4”.
Here you can make rhythm settings, and specify the
tempo and time signature for the currently selected song.
P.1 Rhythm Pattern
1. Rhythm .........................................................[off, 01...50]
This specifies the rhythm pattern. The patterns you can
select will depend on the time signature (“Beat”) you’ve
chosen. For a list of the available patterns, refer to
“Rhythm pattern list.”
You can switch the rhythm on/off by pressing the [RTM
LVL] knob.
1. Tempo ...............................................................[40...240]
Specifies the tempo.
P.3 Beat
1. Beat ............................................... [1/4...8/4, 1/8...8/8]
Specifies the time signature.
P.4 RhythmLv: Rhythm volume
1. RhythmLv...............................................................[0...50]
This sets the volume level of the rhythm. You can also set
this by turning the [RTM LVL] knob.