Polycom C12 Speaker System User Manual

Command Protocol Reference Guide
A - 61
horn_en Enable Horn Equalizer
This parameter enables (1) or disables (0) the constant directivity horn
equalizer for the specified virtual channel.
horn_frequency Frequency of Horn Equalizer
This parameter sets the cutoff frequency (in Hz) of the constant directivity
horn equalizer. This is the frequency above which the gain increases at 6 dB
per octave, and below which the gain is 0 dB.
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Virtual Channel
Value Type Boolean
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Phys Chans Conferencing Line Output, Sound Reinforcement Line
Virt Chans Mono, Stereo
Default 0
Argument Argument value
Channel Type Virtual Channel
Value Type Floating-Point
Read/Write Mode Read/Write
Phys Chans Conferencing Line Output, Sound Reinforcement Line
Virt Chans Mono, Stereo
System Limits Minimum: 20.0, Maximum: 20000.0, Resolution: 0.1
Default 4000.0
User Limits