30 205486 REV F Operations Manual, HPA2, Compact Outdoor SSPA
● Specify the unit’s Address in the Amplifier Address box. If you don’t know the address of
the unit you may search for it. Be aware that this search feature is only useful when you
have only one unit connected to your PC at a time.
● If you wish to change the log file location, click on the [Browse] button and navigate to the
desired location. See Section 3.9.3 for more information about the log file.
● Click on the [Create] button to generate the operation window for this unit.
● The M&C “Operation” window will be displayed as in Figure 3-3, and includes tabs for the
unit Status window, Settings and IP Setup (where applicable).
3.9.1 Status Window
The Status Window is the main monitoring display, and shows the the current conditions (or
state) of the Compact Outdoor SSPA. In addition, the status screen allows for Mute/Unmute
of the carrier and manual adjustment of the on-board Attenuator for gain control.
Upon connection with a unit, the M&C application obtains and displays the unit ID, the
amplifier’s model number and serial number. The SSPA module’s firmware version number is
also displayed here for convenience.
The unit’s network address and serial COM or IP address are also listed, which can be helpful
in optimizing serial communications.
Figure 3-3: Universal M&C Status Window