Paradise 205486 REV F Stereo Amplifier User Manual

110 205486 REV F Operations Manual, HPA2, Compact Outdoor SSPA
11.2.1 Remote Terminal Set-up
The following procedure will guide the user through the setup of a remote terminal, using
Windows 95/98 HyperTerminal software. Prior to configuring the PC configurations, the SSPA
must be connected to the PC COM port and configured to use TMSP at 9600 Baud.
1. Start the Windows HyperTerminal Program (default Windows location at Programs
Accessories HyperTerminal).
2. At the prompted window, type the name of your serial connection (“Compact Outdoor
SSPA” for example), and then click “OK.” See Figure 11-5.
Figure 11-5: Connection Description window
3. Select a direct connection to the PC communication port (Com1 for example), to commu-
nicate with the SSPA, and then click “OK.”. See Figure 11-6.
Figure 11-6: Connect To window