Chapter 4. Generating CMFMON Batch Reports 71
columnID Most reports can be filtered by criteria. For a list of column names used in each
report, see Appendix A, “Report Column Information” on page 83 or the
customization panels for CMFMON online.
Note: This keyword is not valid for ARDJ, ASDJ, ASRMJ, DEVV, IOQ,
For all other control statements, these criteria are specified by column ID
followed by:
• A valid operator (>, <, =, ¬, >=, or <=). The default operator value is =.
• The filtering value. Wildcard characters of * and ? may be used as part of
the filtering value.
For example, if you want to filter the ARD report to contain only information
about jobs beginning with the letter A, you can specify JOBNAME(A*). Or, if
you want to filter the ARD report to contain only information about jobs
holding more than one page of fixed storage below 16 megabytes, you can
specify FFBEL(>1).
Filtering for batch reports is the same as for online screens. For more
information about filters, see “Rules for Setting Filters” on page 24.
SORT Sorts the lines in the report according to the criteria you choose. For a list of
column names used in each report, see Appendix A, “Report Column
Information” on page 83 or the customization panels for CMFMON online.
Note: This keyword is not available for ARDJ, ASDJ, ASRMJ, DEVV,
For all other control statements, specify a column ID followed by either A
or D. For example, in the ARD report, to sort the lines in ascending order of
address space name, specify SORT(JOBNAME,A) as a keyword.
Note: If you do not specify either A (for ascending) or D (for descending)
after the column name, the report is sorted in descending order by
TITLE Specifies information to be centered on the third line of the report header, as
described in Table 13 on page 68. For example, if you want to include your
company’s name on the third line of a report, you would specify
TITLE(‘XYZ Company’) as a keyword on the report control statement.
The following sections describe each control statement in greater detail.