PAS. Product address space. Used by the MainView products.
Contains data collectors and other product functions. See MVS
product address space (PAS), BBI subsystem product address
space (BBI-SS PAS).
performance group workload. MVS/SP-defined collection
of address spaces. See service class workload, workload
service for monitoring and managing current performance of
CICS regions.
PERFORMANCE REPORTER. Product component that
generates offline batch reports. The following products can
generate these reports:
• MainView for DB2
• MainView for IMS
• MainView for CICS
Plex Manager. Product through which cross-system
communication, MainView security, and an SSI context are
established and controlled. Plex Manager is shipped with
MainView window environment products as part of the
coordinating address space (CAS) and is accessible as a menu
option from the MainView Selection Menu.
pop-up window. Window containing help information that,
when active, overlays part of the window area. A pop-up panel
is displayed when you issue the HELP command.
PRGP workload. In MVS/SP 5.0 or earlier, or in
compatibility mode in MVS/SP 5.1 or later, composite of
service classes. MainView for MVS creates a performance
group workload for each performance group defined in the
current IEAIPSxx member.
procedure library. Data set comprised of members
containing executable procedures used by AutoOPERATOR.
These procedures are execute command lists (EXECs) that
automate site functions. There can be several versions:
• The distributed parameter library, called BBPROC
• A site-specific parameter library or libraries
These can be
– A library created by AutoCustomization, called
– A library created manually, with a unique name
The site-created EXECs can be either user-written or
customized AutoOPERATOR-supplied EXECs from
product address space. See PAS.
profile library. Data set comprised of members containing
profile information and cycle refresh definitions for a terminal
session connected to a BBI-SS PAS. Other members are
dynamically created by MainView applications. There can be
several versions:
• The distributed profile library, called BBPROF
• A site-specific profile library or libraries
These can be
– A library created by AutoCustomization, called
– A library created manually, with a unique name
The site library is a common profile shared by all site users.
The terminal session CLIST creates a user profile
automatically if one does not exist; it is called
userid.BBPROF, where userid is your logon ID. User profile
libraries allow each user to specify unique PF keys, CYCLE
commands, target system defaults, a Primary Option Menu,
and a unique set of application profiles.
query. One of two constituent parts of a view; the other is
form. A query defines the data for a view; a form defines the
display format. See also form, view.
realtime data. Performance data as it exists at the moment of
inquiry. Realtime data is recorded during the smallest unit of
time for data collection. Contrast with historical data. See also
current data and interval data.
row. (1) Horizontal component of a view or display
comprising all the fields pertaining to a single device, address
space, user, etc. (2) Horizontal component of a DB2 table
consisting of a sequence of values, one for each column of the
RxD2. Product that provides access to DB2 from REXX. It
provides tools to query the DB2 catalog, issue dynamic SQL,
test DB2 applications, analyze EXPLAIN data, generate DDL
or DB2 utility JCL, edit DB2 table spaces, perform security
administration, and much more.
sample cycle. Time between data samples.
For the CMF MONITOR Extractor, this is the time specified in
the extractor control statements (usually 1 to 5 seconds).
For realtime data, the cycle is not fixed. Data is sampled each
time you press Enter.
sample library. Data set comprised of members each of
which contains one of the following:
• Sample JCL that can be edited to perform specific
• A macro that is referenced in the assembly of user-written
• A sample user exit routine
There can be several versions:
• The distributed sample library, called BBSAMP
• A site-specific sample library or libraries