workload for each WLM workload defined in the active
service policy.
workflow. Measure of system activity that indicates how
efficiently system resources are serving the jobs in a workload.
workload. (1) Systematic grouping of units of work (e.g.,
address spaces, CICS transactions, IMS transactions)
according to classification criteria established by a system
administrator. (2) In MVS, group of service classes within a
service definition.
workload activity view. Tracks workload activity as the
workload accesses system resources. A workload activity view
measures workload activity in terms of resource consumption
and how well the workload activity meets its service
workload definition. Workload created through the WKLIST
view. Contains a unique name, a description, an initial status, a
current status, and selection criteria by which address spaces
are selected for inclusion in the workload. See Workload
Definition Facility.
Workload Definition Facility. In MainView for MVS,
WKLIST view and its associated dialogs through which
workloads are defined and service objectives set.
workload delay view. Tracks workload performance as the
workload accesses system resources. A workload delay view
measures any delay a workload experiences as it contends for
those resources.
workload objectives. Performance goals for a workload,
defined in WKLIST. Objectives may include measures of
performance such as response times and batch turnaround