task control block (TCB). Address space-specific control
block that represents a unit of work that is dispatched in the
address space in which it was created. See also service request
TCB. See task control block.
terminal session (TS). Single point of control for MainView
products, allowing data manipulation and data display and
providing other terminal user services for MainView products.
The terminal session runs in a user address space (either a TSO
address space or a standalone address space for EXCP/VTAM
TDIR. See trace log directory.
threshold. Specified value used to determine whether the data
in a field meets specific criteria.
TLDS. See trace log data set.
total mode. Usage mode in CMFMON wherein certain
columns of data reflect the cumulative value between
collection intervals. Invoked by the DELta OFF command.
See also collection interval, delta mode.
trace. (1) Record of a series of events chronologically listed
as they occur. (2) Online data collection and display services
that track transaction activity through DB2, IMS, or CICS.
trace log data set (TLDS). Single or multiple external
VSAM data sets containing summary or detail trace data for
later viewing or printing. The trace log(s) can be defined as
needed or dynamically allocated by the BBI-SS PAS. Each
trace request is assigned its own trace log data set(s).
trace log directory (TDIR). VSAM linear data set
containing one entry for each trace log data set. Each entry
indicates the date and time of data set creation, the current
status of the data set, the trace target, and other related
transaction. Specific set of input data that initiates a
predefined process or job.
TS. See terminal session.
TSO workload. Workload that consists of address spaces
running TSO sessions.
UAS. See user address space.
UBBPARM. See parameter library.
UBBPROC. See procedure library.
UBBSAMP. See sample library.
user address space. Runs a MainView terminal session (TS)
in TSO, VTAM, or EXCP mode.
User BBPROF. See profile library.
view. Formatted data within a MainView window, acquired
from a product as a result of a view command or action. A
view consists of two parts: query and form. See also form, job
activity view, query.
view definition. Meaning of data that appears online,
including source of data, selection criteria for data field
inclusion and placement, data format, summarization, context,
product, view name, hyperlink fields, and threshold
view command. Name of a view that you type on the
COMMAND line to display that view.
view command stack. Internal stack of up to 10 queries. For
each command, the stack contains the filter parameters, sort
order, context, product, and timeframe that accompany the
view help. Online help describing the purpose of a view. To
display view help, place the cursor on the view name on the
window information line and press PF1 (HELP).
window. Area of the MainView screen in which views and
resources are presented. A window has visible boundaries and
can be smaller than or equal in size to the MainView window
area. See active window, alternate window, current window,
MainView window area.
window information line. Top border of a window. Shows
the window identifier, the name of the view displayed in the
window, the system, the scope, the product reflected by the
window, and the timeframe for which the data in the window
is relevant. See also window status field.
window number. Sequential number assigned by MainView
to each window when it is opened. The window number is the
second character in the window status field. See also window
status field.
window status. One-character letter in the window status
field that indicates when a window is ready to receive
commands, is busy processing commands, is not to be
updated, or contains no data. It also indicates when an error
has occurred in a window. The window status is the first
character in the window status field. See also window
information line, window status field.
window status field. Field on the window information line
that shows the current status and assigned number of the
window. See also window number, window status.
windows mode. Display of one or more MainView product
views on a screen that can be divided into a maximum of 20
windows. A window information line defines the top border of
each window. Contrast with full-screen mode.
WLM workload. In goal mode in MVS/SP 5.1 and later, a
composite of service classes. MainView for MVS creates a