Chapter 3. Using CMFMON’s Write Facility 37
Chapter 3. Using CMFMON’s Write Facility
This chapter explains how to write type 79 records to a data set using CMFMON’s write
facility. If you have not already read “Understanding CMFMON’s Write Facility” on page 3,
you may want to do so now to familiarize yourself with the component.
Setting Up the JCL
You can run a CMFMON recording session as either a started task or a batch job. Multiple
CMFMON batch recording sessions can run concurrently.
To set up a CMFMON recording session:
Step 1 Step 1: Modify the appropriate JCL, depending on how you want to run CMFMON:
• Figure 27 on page 38 contains sample JCL for running CMFMON as a started task. A
copy of this JCL is provided in hilevel.UBBSAMP(CMONSTC). If you use this JCL, be
sure to copy it to a system procedure library (PROCLIB) first.
• Figure 28 on page 39 contains sample JCL for running CMFMON as a batch job. Member
CMONJCL in hilevel.UBBSAMP contains a copy.