Chapter 1. What Is CMFMON? 1
Chapter 1. What Is CMFMON?
CMFMON is a component of CMF MONITOR Version 5, Release 3, Modification 0 that
allows you to collect a wide range of information on system hardware and application
performance. Depending on your needs, you can use CMFMON’s online facility to view the
data in one or more formatted screens, CMFMON’s write facility to write the collected data to
an SMF or sequential data set, or CMFMON’s batch component to generate batch reports that
use type 79 records.
This chapter describes the data provided by CMFMON and provides an overview of
CMFMON’s online, write, and batch report components.
What Kind of Data Does CMFMON Provide?
CMFMON collects realtime data that helps you pinpoint where problems exist in your system
and detect locations of potential trouble. CMFMON also provides the information you need to
optimize your use of system resources. Specifically, CMFMON collects long-term resource
utilization data related to:
• I/O and device activity
• Address space activity
• System workload
• Resource serialization
• System/hardware activity
This data is presented as SMF type 79 records with various subtypes. The data may be viewed
online in real time, written to an SMF or sequential data set for later analysis, or formatted into
batch reports.
The first two columns in the following table briefly explain the SMF type 79 records and
subtypes collected by CMFMON. The third column associates the subtype with the name of
the CMFMON online screen (and the name of the control statement) used to request the data.
Table 6. Record 79 Subtypes Provided by CMFMON (Page 1 of 2)
Description Screen/
Control Statement
79-1 Address space state data ASD
79-2 Address space resource data ARD
79-3 Central storage/processor/SRM activity SRCS
79-4 System paging activity data SPAG
79-5 Address space SRM data ASRM
79-6 Enqueue reserve data SENQR
79-7 Enqueue contention data SENQ