license is required for IMS RA, IMS RM, and
Extensions for IRLM. Additions to MainView for IMS and
MainView for DBCTL that analyze database locking and
measure IRLM activity when IRLM is used. These additions
are licensed as options to IMS RA and IMS RM.
extractor. Program that collects data from various sources
and keeps the data control blocks to be written as records.
Extractors obtain data from services, control blocks, and other
sources. Contrast with data collector.
extractor interval. See collection interval.
fast path. Predefined link between one screen and another.
To use the fast path, place the cursor on a single value in a
field and press Enter. The resulting screen displays more
detailed information about the selected value. See also
field. Group of character positions within a screen or report
used to type or display specific information.
field help. Online help describing the purpose or contents of a
field on a screen. To display field help, place the cursor
anywhere in a field and press PF1 (HELP). In some products,
field help is accessible from the screen help that is displayed
when you press PF1.
filter. Selection criteria used to limit the number of rows
displayed in a view. Data that does not meet the selection
criteria is not displayed. A filter is composed of an element, an
operator, and an operand (a number or character string). Filters
can be implemented in view customization, through the
PARm/QPARm commands, or through the Where/QWhere
commands. Filters are established against elements of data.
fixed field. Field that remains stationary at the left margin of a
screen that is scrolled either right or left.
FOCAL POINT. MainView product that displays a summary
of key performance indicators across systems, sites, and
applications from a single terminal.
form. One of two constituent parts of a view; the other is
query. A form defines how the data is presented; a query
identifies the data required for the view. See also query, view.
full-screen mode. Display of a MainView product application
or service on the entire screen. There is no window
information line. Contrast with windows mode.
global command. Any MainView window interface
command that can affect all windows in the window area of a
MainView display.
graph. Graphical display of data that you select from a
MainView window environment view. See also chart.
hilevel. For MainView products, high-level data set qualifier
required by a site’s naming conventions.
historical data. (1) Data that reflects the system as it existed
at the end of a past recording interval or the duration of several
intervals. (2) Any data stored in the historical database and
retrieved using the TIME command. Contrast with current
data, interval data and realtime data.
historical database. Collection of performance data written
at the end of each installation-defined recording interval and
containing up to 100 VSAM clusters. Data is extracted from
the historical database with the TIME command. See
historical data.
historical data set. In MainView products that display
historical data, VSAM cluster file in which data is recorded at
regular intervals.
hyperlink. (1) Preset field in a view or an EXPAND line on a
display that permits you to
• Access cursor-sensitive help
• Issue commands
• Link to another view or display
The transfer can be either within a single product or to a
related display/view in a different MainView product.
Generally, hyperlinked fields are highlighted. (2) Cursor-
activated short path from a topic or term in online help to
related information. See also fast path.
Image log. Collection of screen-display records. Image logs
may be created for both the BBI-SS PAS and the BBI terminal
session (TS).
The BBI-SS PAS Image log consists of two data sets that are
used alternately: as one fills up, the other is used. Logging to
the BBI-SS PAS Image log stops when both data sets are filled
and the first data set is not processed by the archive program.
The TS Image log is a single data set that wraps around when
product that organizes data and prints reports that can be used
to analyze IMS performance.
IMS PR EXTENSIONS for DB2. Licensed option to the
IMS Performance Reporter that provides offline statistical,
graphic, and calendar reports about DB2 subsystem activity
and requests that are integrated with IMS activity.
IMS RA EXTENSIONS for DB2. Additions to the IMS
Resource Analyzer that provide online monitoring displays of
DB2 region connection and thread status.
displays used to analyze IMS resources and determine which
are affected by specific workload problems.