6-2 How to Make a Music CD
How to Make a Music CD
To make an audio CD, you can record songs from:
■ Tracks on an existing CD
■ Wave files stored on your hard drive (*.wav, a standard Windows
format for sound files.)
■ A combination of Wave files and tracks
NOTE: Easy-CD Audio is designed to assist you in reproducing material in
which you own the copyright or have obtained permission to copy from the
copyright owner. Unless you own the copyright or have permission to copy from
the copyright owner, you may be violating copyright law and be subject to
payment of damages and other remedies. If you are uncertain about your rights,
contact your legal advisor.
Using the Wizard
The easiest way to make a music CD is using the Easy-CD Audio Wizard.
The Wizard appears when you first start Easy-CD Audio and guides you
step-by-step to make a simple music CD. To use the Wizard, follow these
1. Start Easy-CD Audio.
The Easy-CD Audio Wizard window appears.